Thursday, June 16, 2022

English 3, Post 6, Choice of two topics


PubMed is the page that I will talk about, it is a database where you can find different articles with studies on any topic related to health. In it you can find current and also very old articles related to research. PubMed Central is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).

I visit the page when I have to carry out some research task, where I visit it frequently (such as Google scholar), and once I used it to write a thesis.

One of the main problems with this page is that for some articles you have to pay or pay a subscription (which is expensive if you need to download more than one article). That is why I enclose a second SCI-HUB web page created by the Russian scientist Alexandra Elbakyan, in it you can download it for free, placing the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), although I think it is not entirely legal... but for students and researchers without resources, it is very necessary, that's why I totally recommend them.

                Alexandra Elbakyan               

Thursday, June 2, 2022

English 3, Post 5, 'How can your major make the world a better place'

Chemistry and pharmacy belong to the sciences of health. There are different areas, such as industrial, drug production, quality assurement, among others. But I like the clinical pharmacy area better. And why? Well, maybe it won't be able to change the world, but I can contribute to improving people's health ... All my life I have wanted to contribute to it.

The Clinical pharmacy is a specialty of the health sciences in which the chemical pharmacist develops and promotes the rational and appropriate use of medicinal products. On the other hand, the clinical pharmacist manages the medication therapy of the patient, with other health care professionals.

The clinical pharmacist participates daily in rounds and makes individual pharmaceutical visits in which he reviews and analyzes the source of patient information, for example, clinical records, their daily evolutions, laboratory tests, nursing records, and the establishment’s pharmacy service.

In the future I see myself working at a hospital, involving me in the observation and direct interaction with patients, collaborating in the optimization of the therapy supporting the wellness, the health, and disease prevention. As well, I would like to participate in research that contributes the advances in human health and quality of life.

The clinical pharmacist could help avoid many of the misadventures that occur after inappropriate therapeutic decisions are made at the time of prescribing.

Clinical pharmacists are a primary source of scientifically valid information and advice regarding the safe, appropriate, and cost-effective use of medications. Additionally, they contribute to improved health and quality of life. 

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

I have studied for two years at the university (without counting the five years that I was at another university) I can tell that I think th...